Lesson 10: On Death & Dying
This is a subject so many people really don't like to think about, let alone research and write about. I guess I'm just weird. My only fear is the how, but not the fact that I will. I also want to make sure that when I go, that my funeral will be the way I want, but also taking into consideration the comfort level of those I've left behind. This then is what brought me to researching and writing about this subject.
The following lessons are a good introduction for y'all to get an idea of what legalities you may need to have planned ahead of time, as well as ideas for what you may want at your funeral (i.e. decorations, the words spoken, etc.)
Lesson 1: Introduction: A Pagan's View of Death
Lesson 2: Various Viewpoints on Death & Passing Over
Lesson 3: Personal & Legal Aspects to Consider
Lesson 4: Funerary Decorations, Flora & Fauna to Consider
Lesson 5: Deities of Death
Lesson 6: Requiem: Passing Over Rituals & Other Funerary Rites
Lesson 7: In-Memorium Ideas for Helping to Release the Grief of Mourning
Lesson 8: Afterlife Quotes, Jokes & Humor