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A Witch's Craft Volumes I & II
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Foundations of the Craft
L1: Protection: Ground, Center, & Shield
L2: Anatomy of Ritual & Magickal Theory
L3: Ethics & Morals in Magical Works
L4: Magickal Craft Names
L5: Personal Power
L6: Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes
L7: Magic Seals of Solomon
L8: Black Pullet Seals
L9: Potions & Powders
L10: On Death & Dying
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Lesson 1:
Protection: Grounding, Centering & Shielding
Lesson 2:
Anatomy of Ritual & Magkical Theory
Lesson 3:
Ethics & Morals in Magkical Work
Lesson 4:
Magickal Craft Names
Lesson 5:
Personal Power
Lesson 6:
Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes
Foundations of the Craft
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