Lesson 2: Necessary Tools & Ingredients
Herbs and Their Correspondences
*** Absolutely DO NOT ingest anything listed here (or anywhere else, for that matter) unless you know for a fact that they are safe for ingestion. Do your own research, have discussions with professional herbalists, consult with any doctor, pharmacist, or alternative physician, etc. if you don’t know about any, or all, in particular.
For the cover-my-butt legal disclaimer; I, and anyone associated with this site, are in no way, shape or form, responsible for how YOU use these herbs (in fresh or dried plant or oil form), plants, and trees, etc. for yourself or anyone you may deal with personally or professionally. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure of a plant’s safety. For all practical purposes, the herbs, plants, trees, and the potions make there from, etc. that are listed here are specifically and only to be used for magical practices, such as, but not limited to, spellwork correspondences, incenses, infused oils, and candle dressings. ***
What are Carrier Oils?
A carrier oil is a vegetable oil derived from the fatty portion of a plant, usually from the seeds, kernels or the nuts.
If applied to the skin undiluted, essential oils, absolutes, CO2s and other concentrated aromatics can cause severe irritation or reactions in some individuals. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential and other oils prior to application. They carry the essential oil onto the skin.
Each carrier oil offers a different combination of therapeutic properties and characteristics. The choice of carrier oil can depend on the therapeutic benefit being sought.
Natural lotions, creams, body oils, bath oils, lip balms and other moisturizing skin care products are also made using vegetable (carrier) oils. From a simple essential oil/carrier oil blend to a more complex natural lotion, your choice of carrier oil can make a difference in the therapeutic properties, color, overall aroma and shelf life of your final product.
Essential vs. Carrier Oils
Essential oils are distilled from the leaves, bark, roots and other aromatic portions of a botanical. Essential oils evaporate and have a concentrated aroma. Carrier oils, on the other hand, are pressed from the fatty portions (seeds, nuts, kernels) and do not evaporate or impart their aroma as strongly as essential oils. Carrier oils can go rancid over time, but essential oils do not. Instead, essential oils "oxidize" and lose their therapeutic benefits, but they don't go rancid.
Vegetable Oils/Fixed Oils/Base Oils
The term carrier oil is generally limited to use within the practice of aromatherapy. In natural skin care, carrier oils are typically referred to as vegetable oils, fixed oils or base oils. Not all fixed oils/base oils are vegetable oils. Emu oil (from the emu bird) and fish (marine) oils are also classified as fixed/base oils.
The Aroma of Carrier Oils
Some carrier oils are odorless, but generally speaking, most have a faintly sweet, nutty aroma. If you come across a carrier oil that has a strong, bitter aroma, the carrier oil may have gone rancid.
Shopping For Carrier Oils
Trends are changing, but most typical vegetable oils sold in grocery stores are not cold-pressed. Instead, the oils are processed using heat. For the most nourishing, freshest carrier oils, strive to shop with retailers and suppliers that specialize in the sale of aromatherapy or natural skin care ingredients. Your local health food/nutrition store may be a source for carrier oils, but the oils can often be pricier. Watch for dust on the bottles when buying oils locally. That can indicate the oil has been sitting around for awhile. Look for oils that are not blends of two or more oils and that have no additives.
Processing Method:
Shop for carrier oils that have been cold pressed or cold expeller pressed. This indicates that the oil has been pressed from the fatty portions of the botanical without the use of added heat. The process can still generate heat due to the friction of the method, but cold expeller pressed oils are processed under conditions that keep the heat to a minimum. Oils that simply say expeller pressed have not been processed to maintain low heat levels. When oils are processed without cool conditions, the high temperature degree and duration of the processing method can harm the fragile nutrients in the oil.
Carrier oils can contain fat soluble vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Seabuckthorn Berry Oil, for instance, has such a high ratio of beta carotene that the oil is orange and is amongst the most vivid of oils. Oils that naturally contain tocopherols (Vitamin E) act as anti-oxidants which are both helpful to the skin and generally help extend the shelf life of the oil.
Essential Fatty Acids:
Essential Fatty Acids are fatty acids that our bodies cannot manufacture and need to get from our diets. When applied topically, they are very nourishing to our skin. Carrier oils vary in their ratio and specific EFA’s that they contain. EFA’s are a benefit to the skin, but they also can make an oil more fragile and prone to quicker rancidity.
Price: Carrier oils can vary greatly in price based on several factors: The botanical it's made from, how it was processed, if it's organic, the quantity that you're purchasing, and the source that you're purchasing it from.
Organic: Organic carrier oils generally cost more than conventional oils. When purchasing organic carrier oils, verify if the oil is certified.
Color: Color doesn't always matter when selecting a carrier oil for simple blends, but it can matter if you are making more elaborate recipes where the color of your final product is important to you.
Aroma: The aroma of some carrier oils can compete or conflict with the aroma of the essential oils in your desired blend.
Viscosity or Weight: Viscosity is a measurement of the resistance of a liquid to movement and flow. For our purposes in comparing carrier oils, I keep things simple by defining them as having a "thin," "medium" or "thick" viscosity.
Absorption/Feel: This is a rather subjective evaluation of how thoroughly and quickly an oil penetrates the skin, and if it makes the skin feel oily after application.
Shelf Life: Carrier oils vary in how long they last before oxidizing and becoming rancid. When purchasing carrier oils, estimate the quantity of oil that you think you'll use within the lifetime of the oil. See the Carrier Oils and Rancidity section of this article for information on shelf life and rancidity.
Avoid Mineral Oil
Mineral oil and petroleum jelly are byproducts of petroleum production and are not used in aromatherapy. Mineral oil is used in baby oils and many commercially available moisturizers because it is an inexpensive oil to manufacture. It, however, can clog pores, prevent the skin from breathing naturally, prevent essential oil absorption, prevent toxins from leaving the body through the natural process of sweating, and I've read reports that it can be absorbed into the body and block vitamins from properly being utilized. These same concerns apply to petroleum jelly.
NOTE: See a less “Purist” and negative point of view regarding mineral and animal oils below in: “Mineral and Animal Oils”.
Storing Carrier Oils
For fragile carrier oils or for those that you will be keeping for a long duration, store them in dark glass bottles with tight fitting tops, and store them in a cool, dark location. Amber or cobalt Boston round bottles are ideal.
If you will be using up an oil well before its lifespan, it really doesn't need to be transferred to dark glass. When you purchase carrier oils, the supplier may have packaged it in a plastic (PET/HDPE) bottle. This doesn't mean that the oil is inferior. Often suppliers use plastic bottles to save packaging and shipping costs and because many customers use up the oils shortly after purchase. Unlike with essential oils which should always be stored in glass (essential oils can dissolve the plastic), carrier oils can be stored in plastic.
Most carrier oils can be stored in the refrigerator, and this can help prolong the lifespan of fragile oils like Borage Seed Oil. Avocado Oil, however, should not be stored in the refrigerator. Oils stored in the refrigerator may solidify or turn cloudy and will need time to return to room temperature prior to use.
Carrier Oils and Rancidity
Essential oils do not go rancid. Carrier oils, however, do become rancid over time. The level of natural fatty acids, tocopherols, method of extraction and other characteristics of an oil all can affect how quickly an oil becomes rancid. If you come across a carrier oil that has a strong, bitter aroma, the carrier oil may have gone rancid. If you can, compare the aroma of the oil that you suspect is rancid with the same botanical oil that you know is fresh.
Carrier oils that you purchase should be natural and unadulterated. Exceptions include buying carrier oils that have natural Vitamin E added. Vitamin E, often listed as tocopherols acts as a natural preservative.
Vegetable Butters and Other Ingredients as Carriers
Vegetable buttes are not carrier oils, but the beneficial properties of vegetable butters like Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter make them lipids that are suitable for use in aromatherapy.
Vegetable butters are similar to vegetable oils but are solid at room temperature. Vegetable butters are processed by a wide variety of methods, so it's especially important to check the method of extraction when shopping for butters. Strive to use butters that are cold pressed.
Essential Fatty Acids
The human body can manufacture most fatty acids that we need for optimal health. Those fatty acids that we cannot manufacture and need to acquire from our diet are called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Essential Fatty Acids are necessary for human functions and healthy, youthful skin.
Those that are lacking in the proper intake of Essential Fatty Acids may demonstrate seriously dry skin or they may be prone to more serious skin conditions including psoriasis and eczema. Using carrier oils that are rich in essential fatty acids and including a diet rich in Essential Fatty Acids can significantly help nourish and improve the look and feel of the skin.
Essential Fatty Acids are generally organized into two groups: Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids. The hardest to acquire EFAs are the Omega-3 group.
Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids:
Alpha linolenic acid is the primary Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid found in plants. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are more beneficial than Alpha linolenic acid, but EPA and DHA are only present in fish oil.
Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids:
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid are examples of Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids found in plant oils.
Omega-7 and Omega-9 Fatty Acids;
You may occasionally read about Omega-7 or Omega-9 Fatty Acids. Omega-7 and Omega-9 Fatty Acids are not considered Essential Fatty Acids. The body can manufacture these fatty acids.
General Safety Information: Use caution when trying any new ingredient, including carrier oils on the skin or in the hair. Those with nut allergies should consult their medical practitioner before coming into contact with nut oils, butters or other nut products. Do not take any oils internally without consultation from a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
What are Infused Oils?
An infused oil consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with one or more herbs. The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the therapeutic properties of both the carrier oil and the herbs that were infused into the oil.
Some plants do not have much essential oil contained in them, and in those cases, it is rare or impossible to commercially find an essential oil for that plant species. Infusing the herb into a carrier oil, however, can be a suitable way to still use the herb for aromatherapy purposes.
Infused oils generally have an oily feeling that varies depending on the carrier oil used. They also are not as concentrated as essential oils. Additionally, infused oils, just like carrier oils, can go rancid.
It is important that you heed the safety information and contraindications of the herbs you choose to use in your infused oil.
How to Make an Infused Oil
The easiest way to make an infused oil is by the use of a crock pot with a very low heat setting. Since the infused oil must be gently heated, it is essential that your crock pot does not overheat the oil. Do not use a crock pot that only has one heat setting as that crock pot most likely will overheat the oils. Add 2 ounces of your chosen carrier oil and 1/2 - 2/3 ounce of dried herbs (if you use fresh herbs, double the amount of herbs used) to your spotlessly-clean crock pot and stir well. Turn your crock pot to the lowest heat setting. Allow to heat on the lowest setting for two hours, stirring every 10-15 minutes (setting a timer to remind you to stir is important). After two hours, carefully strain the oil by using unbleached muslin (usually available at fabric stores). You should strain the oil at least twice. If any herbs remain in the infused oil, the oil can go rancid.
Herbal Cautions for Pregnant and Nursing Women
There are many herbs that pregnant and lactating women should not take. Some of these may contain organic compounds that can affect a baby's development during pregnancy and while nursing. Other herbs may have a mildly toxic nature, while others may be strong uterine stimulants. Use common sense and always when in doubt, and even if you’re not, consult a medicinal authority first.
Angelica: suppresses menstruation
Black Cohosh: uterine stimulant - labor inducing
Blue Cohosh: stronger uterine stimulant
Borage oil: uterine stimulant - use only during the last few days of pregnancy and only with permission from your doctor/midwife
Comfrey: can cause liver problems in both mother and fetus - use externally only for treating sprains and strains and then only briefly
Dong Quai: could stimulate bleeding
Elder: do not use during pregnancy or lactation, this one absolutely is not an option
Fenugreek: relaxes the uterus
Goldenseal: very strong antibiotic, absolutely not for the developing fetus or if nursing
Henbane: Poison, straight up, no options, do not use
Horsetail: silica content is too extreme for the developing fetus
Licorice Root: may generate too much water retention and/or elevated blood pressure
Motherwort: suppresses menstruation
Mugwort: uterine stimulant
Nutmeg: may contribute to miscarriage if taken in large doses
Pennyroyal Leaf: stimulates uterine contractions - Pennyroyal Essential Oil should never come into physical contact with pregnant or nursing women under any circumstance
Rue: powerful expellant
Saffron: can cause miscarriage as well as other problems
Shepherd's Purse: used only to control or stop hemorrhaging during/after childbirth
Uva Ursi: flushes out too much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing
Yarrow: uterine stimulant
The following herbs should only be used for spellwork but not ingested and some should not come in contact with the skin at all. There are also those that should not be breathed such as in an incense or on a charcoal block. Check with a good herbal book or speak with an herbalist personally to learn more.
Agaric Hemlock Valley Mistletoe
Belladonna Henbane Yew
Be-Still High John Yohimbe
Bittersweet Lily of the
Blue Flag Mandrake
Blood Root Monkshood
Celandine Oleander
Elder Berry Tobacco
Heliotrope Uva Ursi
Hellebore Wolfsbane
Magical Potion Maker’s Tools
There are a few tools necessary for the preparation of herbs in mundane and magical use. Be sure to cleanse each of the materials physically, with soap and water, and spiritually, by smudging and/or passing over a flame. There are many who say to never use anything metal when working with herbs as the metal can leach into the herbs and pollute them and in some instances greatly alter their qualities. This is completely impractical (never mind ridiculous) as most implements, i.e. knives, garden tools, etc. are made of metal.
Earthenware Pot:
Any size or style that you’re comfortable using will be appropriate.
Glass Bottles & Jars:
These should be dark brown, blue or green with tight fitting lids, in various sizes ranging from 2-8 oz. Flea markets, thrift stores and yard sales are great places to pick these up cheaply.
This is that egg shaped thing with holes in it for making teas. Preferably use the ceramic ones, not the metal ones, but as the metal ones are easier to find (and less expensive), don‘t worry about it. The best place to check would be the kitchen section of grocery & department stores for the metal ones and gourmet coffee houses or if you’re lucky, at the flea market or a yard sale for the ceramic ones.
Miscellaneous Tools:
Several other items to have on hand are a pair of scissors or a sharp knife for harvesting the herbs (if you grow your own), string to bundle the herbs, eye droppers with a rubber top that can be removed for easy cleaning, wooden spoon and a first aid kit just in case you get a bit over-zealous with the herb cutting.
Mortar & Pestle:
There are many variations of these on the market from simple wooden ones you can purchase for a few bucks at the grocery store to the more expensive marble types. Each of these is made for a different purpose and has its pros and cons.
Ceramic - Western sets have the exterior of the mortar and the pestle’s handle glazed while the interior is left rough. The high quality versions have convenient pouring spouts. The Eastern sets have a glazed surface on the bottom and rim of the mortar and the pestle is made of wood to preserve the texture of the ceramic interior’s grinding surface. They are not as strong as the marble or granite types. They will not absorb odors and are easy to clean.
Electric Coffee Grinder - These are excellent! Fast, easy to use, and easy to clean! But they must not be used for coffee any longer, have a separate one for that. Have one specifically and only for your herbs.
Marble or Granite - Very hard, smooth grinding surface, mainly used for pharmaceuticals. Grinding herbs can be a bit difficult as there is no “cutting” surface for the pestle to grind the herbs into. The major benefit to this type is that it will not absorb odors and is easy to clean.
Metal - Inexpensive and work very well and are very easy to clean.
Volcanic Rock - Correct name is the Mexican Molcajete (mortar) & Tejolote (pestle), pronounced mawl-ca-HAY-ta and tay-ha-LOW-ta. These are very rough in texture and must be “seasoned” before using the first time by grinding garlic into a paste and spreading it around the inside of the bowl. Let it set overnight, rinse it out with warm water. Washing in warm water after each use is all that is necessary from there on. Do not use soap once it has been seasoned.
Wood - These are very inexpensive but the big drawback to these is that they hold the oils of the plants ground up in them. If a poisonous plant is ground up, then its poisonous oils are left behind. Not good. The only option for this then would be to have one for every type of plant and that’s just plain ridiculous.
Keep written records of herbs you have harvested, remedy recipes, affects on those who took the remedies, etc.
Any type is fine as long as it shows ounces as well as grams.
Fine mesh colanders, cheesecloth, linen, coffee filters are all good options. Straining of the water or alcohol soaked herbs can be done using a coffee filter. Oil mixtures are too thick so cheesecloth is best for straining this type of mixture.
Methods of Drying Herbs
There are a few different ways to dry herbs: air, oven or microwave.
Air dry: Tie 5-6 flowers/herbs into a bunch and hang them upside-down in a dark and dry place that should be about 70 F. Depending on the types of herbs you are drying it may take several days up to several weeks for them to dry completely. Thicker sections or heavier roots may take a year or more.
Oven dry: Place the herbs/flowers in a thin layer on a baking sheet and place them in the oven on a low setting (100-200 degrees maximum). Be careful not to “cook” them. Check the finer herbs/flowers every 15-20 minutes, the heavier ones will take a while longer but don’t forget to keep checking on them!
Microwave dry: Put the herbs/flowers on a plate and set the microwave on low. According to your microwave and how much herbs you have in it, it can take about 2-5 minutes.
To dry leaves and flowers spread them carefully in a basket. It will take approximately 1-2 weeks before they are completely dried.
To dry seeds hang a bunch of flowers inside a paper bag. The dried seeds will fall into the bottom of the bag for easy collection.
Herbs are completely dry when they feel like paper and crumble when you rub them between your fingers. Once dry, store them in dark or opaque glass jars with very tight-fitting lids. Herbs will deteriorate upon exposure to the air so keep the opening of the jar to a minimum. Always label each container because you’ll never remember what herb is in what jar. Store the jars of herbs in a cool, dark place like a closet or a cupboard. Dried herbs will retain their medicinal value for years if stored properly.
There are a few soft leaved herbs such as Basil, Borage, Comfrey, Dill, Fennel, and Parsley that can be kept frozen.
A Witch’s Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Carrier Oils
These are the oils used to dilute the Essential Oils or to make infusions or decoctions. Carrier oils also referred to as base oils or vegetable oils are used to dilute essential oils, CO2s and absolutes before applying to the skin. Below is a list of many of the commonly used carrier oils.
Type - Plant, animal or mineral, which is best? What’s the difference? Cold-pressed or expeller pressed or heat processed, does it matter?
Plant, animal, and mineral oils each have their place and uses. “Purists” will tell you all the bad about the mineral and animal oils but none of the good. I’ll leave the negative input to them and give you the benefits they refuse to admit exist.
Cold-pressed or expeller pressed oils do not have their nutrients destroyed during production. Heat processed oils have had their beneficial nutrients destroyed by the duration and heat used in their production.
So, yes, cold-pressed or expeller pressed is the only type of oils to use.
Mineral & Animal Oils
Mineral oil and petroleum jelly are byproducts of petroleum production and are not used in aromatherapy. Mineral oil is used in baby oils and many commercially available moisturizers because it is an inexpensive oil to manufacture.
Mineral and animal oil molecules are larger than plant molecules and so do not absorb into the skin. That drawback can also have its own benefits though, in that when a barrier is needed (such as for a baby’s diaper rash), a potion can be made that includes both the mineral (or animal) oil as well as the plant oil of choice. This will utilize the healing qualities of the herbs and plant oils, but also provide a barrier for the skin from outside irritants.
Weight - Why does it matter?
Do you want your oil to be thick and comes out a drop at a time? Or do you want something that can be poured easily? Each oil type has its own personality and each has uses that it is best for. And much of it is personal preference anyway - me, I prefer a thicker oil for candle dressing, but I like a cream for body lotions. This is all mostly personal preference.
Shelf-life - How long will the magical potion last?
Depending on the oil used and the care that it and the final potion is stored, most potions should last for 2 - 5 years, with one or two that have an indefinite shelf-life. To be more specific, check the bottle or jar your oil comes in to find out for sure, or contact the manufacturer for a MSDS form. The type of processing it goes through will also impact its shelf-life.
Oils to Use:
(Sweet) Almond Oil
Botanical Name: Prunus amygdalus var. dulcus
Aroma: Light. Sweet and Nutty.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves a Slight Hint of Oil on the Skin. Absorbs Semi-quickly.
Color: Virtually Clear With a Yellow Tinge.
Weight: Medium-Light
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Sweet Almond Oil is considered to be an affordable all-purpose carrier oil to keep on hand.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Sweet Almond Oil contains approximately 8% saturated fat, 65% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid) and 27% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 33.]
Apricot Kernel Oil
Botanical Name: Prunus armeniaca
Aroma: Faint.
Absorption/Feel: Oily Texture.
Color: Virtually Clear With a Yellow Tinge.
Weight: Medium-Light
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: The semi-oily texture of Apricot Kernel Oil makes it a good choice for use in massage and massage oil blends. It somewhat resembles Sweet Almond Oil in its properties and consistency.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Apricot Kernel Oil is low in saturated fats, contains approximately 65% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 28% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 37.]
Avocado Oil
Botanical Name: Persea americana
Aroma: Sweet, Fatty and Nutty.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves a Fatty, Almost Waxy Feel On the Skin.
Color: Deep Olive Green.
Weight: Thick
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Avocado Oil is a nourishing oil for the skin and hair. Avocado Oil is said to be rich in essential and trace minerals and Vitamin A. Its properties and texture makes it especially suitable for use in hair care. Due to its aroma and thick, oily consistency, Avocado Oil is typically used at a low ratio (highly diluted) in blends and formulations.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price recommends not to refrigerate Avocado Oil as certain important, fragile constituents of the oil may be affected. Len Price mentions that Avocado Oil contains approximately 19% saturated fat, 66% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 12% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 5% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 39-40.]
Borage Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Borago officinalis
Aroma: Light and Sweet.
Absorption/Feel: Penetrates Well, But Leaves a Somewhat Oily Feel to the Skin.
Color: Light Yellow.
Weight: Medium-Thin
Shelf Life: 6 Months.
Notes: Borage Seed Oil is a prized oil in skin care for its noteworthy essential fatty acid content, consisting primarily of the omega-6 EFA gamma linolenic acid.
Borage Seed Oil has been used in aromatherapy and natural skin care to aid many skin conditions including eczema.
Borage Seed Oil is expensive and is usually blended in a small (often 10%) dilution with other carrier oils. By their nature, essential fatty acids deteriorate quickly. Borage Seed Oil, therefore, goes rancid rather quickly.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Borage Seed Oil contains approximately 15% saturated fat, 15% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 38% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), 21% gamma linolenic acid (GLA, an omega-6 essential fatty acid) and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 43.]
Camellia Seed Oil (Tea Oil)
Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis or Camellia oleifera
Color: Pale to Golden Yellow.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: 1-2 Years.
Notes: Camellia Seed Oil, also known as Tea Oil, is cold pressed from the seeds of Camellia sinensis or Camellia oleifera, the same trees that render the leaves used for green, white and black tea. It offers good skin penetration. The seed oil is said to be rich in anti-oxidants including Vitamin E, essential fatty acids and non-essential fatty acids including oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid.
Caffeine is a water soluble compound. Although tea leaves contain caffeine, Camellia Seed Oil probably does not. I, however, have not been able to verify this.
Do not confuse this oil with Tea Tree Essential Oil. Tea Tree Essential Oil is a volatile essential oil with a strongly medicinal aroma whereas Camellia Seed Oil is a vegetable (fatty) oil from an entirely different plant species.
(Fractionated) Coconut Oil
Aroma: Odorless.
Absorption/Feel: Non Greasy. Penetrates Well.
Color: Clear.
Weight: Very Light (will not go rancid with age)
Shelf Life: Indefinite/Highly Stable
Notes: Fractionated Coconut Oil, often abbreviated as FCO, is coconut oil that has been distilled to filter out and contain only the medium chain triglycerides of coconut oil. Fractionated Coconut Oil, therefore, is not a whole and complete oil. Within holistic aromatherapy, ingredients that have been chemically altered to either remove natural compounds or standardize specific constituents are usually avoided. If you are understandably strict about using only all-natural un-altered vegetable oils, you will want to avoid using Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Fractionated Coconut Oil, however, is a highly stable, odorless and colorless oil that can be beneficial when you need a really light, penetrating oil or an oil that will not quickly go rancid. Its affordability and shelf life makes it a good oil to keep on reserve should you run low on your other more precious carrier oils.
Cranberry Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Vaccinium macrocarpon
Aroma: Fruity. Slightly bitter, but pleasant.
Color: Golden yellow.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Notes: Cranberry seed oil is said to offer a balanced blend of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids (omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids) not available in other natural vegetable oils. The oil is also rich in Vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) and Vitamin A. These vitamins help to nourish the skin, can help reduce the signs of aging, and may help with eczema, psoriasis and scarring.
Most vegetable oils that are high in essential fatty acids have a short shelf life. Cranberry Seed Oil, however, is rich in Vitamin E, a natural anti-oxidant. Vitamin E is both beneficial to the skin and helps to extend the shelf life of the oil.
Evening Primrose Oil
Botanical Name: Oenothera biennis
Aroma: Light and Sweet.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves a Trace of Oil on the Skin.
Color: Medium Yellow.
Weight: Thin
Shelf Life: 6 Months.
Notes: Evening Primrose Oil is a prized oil in skin care for its noteworthy essential fatty acid content, consisting primarily of the omega-6 EFA’s linolenic acid and gamma linolenic acid.
Evening Primrose Oil has been used in aromatherapy and natural skin care to aid many skin conditions including eczema.
Evening Primrose Oil is expensive and is usually blended in a small (often 10%) dilution with other carrier oils. By their nature, essential fatty acids deteriorate quickly. Evening Primrose Oil, therefore, goes rancid rather quickly.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Evening Primrose Oil contains approximately 8% saturated fat, 72% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), 9% gamma linolenic acid (GLA, an omega-6 essential fatty acid) and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 73.]
Grapeseed Oil
Botanical Name: Vitus vinifera
Aroma: Light. Slightly Nutty and Sweet.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves a Glossy Film on the Skin.
Color: Virtually Clear. Has a Virtually Unnoticeable Tinge of Yellow/Green.
Weight: Thin
Shelf Life: 6-12 Months.
Notes: Grapeseed Oils pressed from specific grape varieties including chardonnay and riesling grapes are available. In general, however, Grapeseed Oil tends to be solvent extracted. Be sure to check the method of extraction for the oil that you purchase.
Grapeseed Oil is commonly used in aromatherapy as it is a fairly all-purpose oil and can be used in a wide array of applications ranging from massage to skin care. From a nutrititive standpoint, the most noteworthy aspect of Grapeseed Oil is its content of the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid. Grapeseed Oil, however, has a relatively short shelf life.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Grapeseed Oil containsapproximately 11% saturated fat, 15% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 69% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 76.]
Hazelnut Oil
Botanical Name: Corylus avellana
Aroma: Light. Nutty and Sweet.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves a Slightly Oily Film on the Skin.
Color: Light Yellow.
Weight: Thin
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Hazelnuts are sometimes mistakenly called Filberts. Although similar in appearance, Filberts are slightly longer in shape.
Hazelnut Oil penetrates well and is said to be a good choice for those with oilier skin. It is a good all purpose oil that can also be used in aromatherapy applications ranging from skin care to massage.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Hazelnut Oil contains approximately 9% saturated fat, 74% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 17% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price,Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 79.]
Hemp Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Cannabis sativa
Aroma: Faint. Slightly Nutty.
Color: Light to Medium Green.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: 6-12 Months.
Notes: Hemp Seed Oil does not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or the other psychoactive constituents that are present in the dried leaves of Cannabis sativa.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Hazelnut Oil contains approximately 8% saturated fat, 74% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 17% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 81-82.]
Botanical Name: Simmondsia chinensis
Aroma: Light to Medium. Distinct But Pleasant.
Absorption/Feel: Absorbs well.
Color: Golden Yellow.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: Indefinite/Highly Stable.
Notes: Jojoba oil is actually a wax. It is highly stable with a long shelf life. It is said to act as a natural anti-inflammatory and is a good choice for use in massage and for inflamed skin. It is said that its composition is similar to that of the skin's natural sebum (oil). Jojoba is a good choice for use with those that have oily or acne prone skin.
Kukui Nut Oil (Candlenut)
Botanical Name: Aleurites moluccana
Aroma: Light, Sweet, Pleasant, Nutty.
Absorption/Feel: Absorbs Well, Leaving a Slight Trace of Oil On the Skin.
Color: Clear With a Yellow Tinge.
Weight: Thin
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Kukui Nut Oil penetrates the skin well and is said to be excellent in treating many skin conditions including psoriasis, eczema, aging skin, and acne. It's essential fatty acid content makes it especially nourishing to the skin, but the oil can go rancid rather quickly.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Kukui Nut Oil contains approximately 9% saturated fat, 20% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 42% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and 29% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage(United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 88.]
Macadamia Nut Oil
Botanical Name: Macadamia integrifolia
Aroma: Sweet, Fatty and Nutty. More Fragrant than Sweet Almond Oil and Other Nut Oils.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves an Oily Film on the Skin.
Color: Clear with a Yellow Tinge.
Weight: Thick
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Macadamia Nut Oil is said to act as a natural anti-inflammatory (perhaps due to its oleic acid content). Its possible anti-inflammatory action combined with its viscosity and slip make it a good candidate for massage applications.
If not used in a small dilution with another vegetable oil, Macadamia Nut Oil may overpower a blend.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Macadamia Nut Oil contains approximately 15% saturated fat, 60% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 2% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and up to 2% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price,Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 97.]
Meadowfoam Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Limnanthes alba
Aroma: Virtually Odorless.
Absorption/Feel: Penetrates Well.
Color: Pale Yellow.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: Indefinite/Highly Stable.
Notes: Meadowfoam is rich in Vitamin E, and offers anti-oxidant activity. This activity makes this a good oil for use in anti-aging aromatherapy applications and also helps make Meadowfoam Seed Oil a highly stable oil. It is odorless and virtually colorless and is a good all-purpose carrier for aromatherapy use.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Meadowfoam Seed Oil contains approximately 1% saturated fat, 2% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 9% uric acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 60% ecosenoic acid, less than 4% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), less than 4% delta linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 99-100.]
Olive Oil
Botanical Name: Olea europaea
Aroma: Same As for Virgin Olive Cooking Oil (Smells Somewhat Like Olives).
Absorption/Feel: Oily.
Color: Light to Medium Green.
Weight: Thick
Shelf Life: 1-2 Years
Notes: Olive Oil's heavy viscosity, oily texture and aroma makes it less preferred than other oils for skin care and aromatherapy applications. If not carefully used or used in a small dilution with another carrier, it may overpower a blend.
When purchasing Olive Oil, be sure that you are purchasing a cold pressed, virgin oil.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Olive Oil can cause sensitivity or allergic reactions in some individuals. This text also mentions that Olive Oil contains approximately 10% saturated fat, 60% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 11% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 102.]
Peanut Oil
Botanical Name: Arachis hypogeae
Aroma: Light. Nutty and Fatty.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves a Heavy, Oily Film on the Skin.
Color: Virtually Clear.
Weight: Thick
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Peanut oil should not be used by anyone that has an allergy to peanuts. Because of its oiliness, it is said to be a good choice for inclusion in massage blends. It has been said that it is a good oil to use for those with arthritis.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Peanut Oil containsapproximately 17% saturated fat, 50% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 25% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 76.]
Pecan Oil
Botanical Name: Carya pecan
Aroma: Extremely Light Nutty Aroma.
Absorption/Feel: Good Penetration, But Leaves an Oily Film on the Skin.
Color: Virtually Clear.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Pecan Oil is used in massage applications. If not used in a small dilution with another vegetable oil, Pecan Oil may overpower a blend.
Pomegranate Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Punica granatum
Aroma: Virtually Odorless.
Absorption/Feel: Light and Penetrates Well.
Color: Yellow.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Pomegranate Seed Oil is an effective emollient and is said to be incredibly rich in anti-oxidants due to its polyphenol content. It also is said to act as an anti-inflammatory. It is a good choice for use in applications intended for dry or irritated skin or aging skin. Studies have apparently demonstrated that Pomegranate Seed Oil may offer protection against free radicals and may help destroy cancer cells.
Rose Hip Oil
Botanical Name: Rosa mosqueta
Aroma: Mild and Slightly Earthy.
Absorption/Feel: Rose Hip Oil Leaves a Hint of Oil on the Skin.
Color: Virtually Clear.
Weight: Light
Shelf Life: 6-12 Months.
Notes: Rose Hip Oil is rich in essential fatty acids, namely alpha linolenic acid, and is said to be excellent in treating many skin conditions. It is expensive and is usually blended in a small (often 10%) dilution with other carrier oils. Despite rose hips being a natural source of the antioxidant Vitamin C (a water soluble vitamin) and Vitamin E (fat soluble), the oil itself goes rancid rather quickly.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Rose Hip Oil contains approximately 6% saturated fat, 13% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 43% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and 36% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 76.]
Seabuckthorn Berry Oil
Botanical Name: Hippophae rhamnoides
Absorption/Feel: Oily Feel. Should Be Diluted to Approximately 1%.
Color: Orange.
Weight: Medium
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Cold pressed and CO2 extracted Seabuckthorn Berry Oils are commercially available. Seabuckthorn Berry is a costly but highly nutritive oil used in low dilutions in skin care applications, most especially facial serums and anti-aging/anti-wrinkle blends. The oil is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutritive compounds. Its large ratio of beta carotene is responsible for the vivid orange color of the oil. It is typically used in dilutions of 1/2-1%.
Sesame Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Sesamum indicum
Aroma: Faint With a Distinctively Sweet, Nutty Sesame Aroma.
Absorption/Feel: Leaves an Oily Film on the Skin.
Color: Pale Yellow.
Weight: Medium-Thick
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Sesame Seed Oil is a good choice for massage. It should ideally be blended with other carrier oils. Otherwise, it may overpower a blend.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Sesame Seed Oil contains approximately 16% saturated fat, 40% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 44% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid). [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 128.]
Shea Butter
Botanical Name: Butyrospermun parkii
Aroma: Nutty, Fatty
Color: Off-white/Cream
Weight: Solid, but permeable at room temperature. Leaves and oily/waxy feeling on the skin.
Notes: Suitable for use in lotions and creams.
Latex (a natural rubber) is a natural constituent of shea butter . If you have an allergy or are sensitivity to latex, you should avoid shea butter altogether or perform a skin patch test prior to use to check for sensitivity.
Sunflower Oil
Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus
Aroma: Faint and Sweet.
Absorption/Feel: Penetrates Well and Does not Lave an Oily Residue.
Color: Virtually Clear With a Yellow Tinge.
Weight: Thin
Shelf Life: 12 Months.
Notes: Sunflower Oil is considered to be an affordable all-purpose carrier oil. When choosing sunflower oil, strive to get unrefined oil.
A High Oleic Acid version of Sunflower Oil is produced from sunflower crops raised to produce higher ratios of oleic acid.
Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage by Len Price mentions that Sunflower Oil contains approximately 12% saturated fat, and 64% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid). Standard Sunflower Oil contains approximately 20% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), and High Oleic Sunflower Oil contains approximately 80% Oleic Acid. [Len Price with Ian Smith and Shirley Price, Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage (United Kingdom: Riverhead, 1999), 138.]
Watermelon Seed Oil
Botanical Name: Citrullus vulgaris
Aroma: Faint. Slightly Nutty.
Absorption/Feel: Penetrates Well.
Color: Yellow.
Weight: Light
Shelf Life: Indefinite/Highly Stable
Notes: Watermelon Seed Oil (WSO) is a very nourishing yet light oil with good absorption. It is a good choice for use with oily skin but can be effective with all skin types. Its viscosity, mild aroma and indefinite shelf life make it a good all-purpose carrier oil for use in aromatherapy. Other thicker oils and oils with shorter shelf lives can be blended with Watermelon Seed Oil to lighten their texture and aroma and extend their overall shelf life.
General Safety Information: Use caution when trying any new ingredient, including carrier oils on the skin or in the hair. Those with nut allergies should consult their medical practitioner before coming into contact with nut oils, butters or other nut products. Do not take any oils internally without consultation from a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
Essential Oil Safety Information
Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids that can be harmful if not used carefully. Implementing aromatherapy into your lifestyle shouldn't cause paranoia or undue worry. By treating essential oils as medicines and following the steps outlined below, you will be well on your way to safely enjoying the many benefits that aromatherapy can offer.
These safety guidelines are not a complete safety reference for the proper use of essential oils. When in doubt, consult your physician and/or a qualified and trained aromatherapy practitioner.
· Essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin. There are instances when experienced aromatherapy users and practitioners make exceptions to this precaution, but only once significant essential oil knowledge is gained should you ever attempt to apply an undiluted oil on the skin. Lavender and tea tree are listed by a large number of aromatherapy sources as being oils that can be used undiluted. Undiluted use of lavender and tea tree, however, should be avoided as severe sensitivity still could occur in some individuals. Again, the safest rule of thumb is to never use any essential oil undiluted.
I wrote the above paragraph several years ago. Recently, while reading Marge Clark's book Essential Oils and Aromatics, I read her personal experiences and her unfortunate long term consequences for having used lavender essential oil neat:
"One of my mentors reminds me 'sensitization is forever.' And I know she is right. Years ago I read the books saying that lavender oil could be used neat (undiluted). I very unwisely used undiluted lavender on broken skin, and consequently set up a sensitivity reaction. Today, almost two decades later, if I come in contact with lavender in any form, I will immediately start a new round of contact dermatitis that can take months to heal." [Marge Clark, Essential Oils and Aromatics (Sandy, UT: Silverleaf Press, 2008), 32.]
· Some oils can cause sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals. When using a new oil for the first time, do a skin patch on a small area of skin. Place a small amount of the diluted essential oil (never use essential oils undiluted on the skin) on the inside of your elbow and apply a bandage. Wait 24 hours to see if there is any form of reaction. Even if a particular essential oil is not known to cause irritation, this step should not be ignored. Even if an oil does not irritate you, it still can irritate someone else. It is important that you always keep that in mind.
· Some essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy or by those with asthma, epilepsy, or with other health conditions.
· Less IS More. When using essential oils, use the smallest amount of essential oils that will get the job done. If one drop will get the job done, for example, don't use two drops.
· Not all essential oils are suitable for use in aromatherapy. Wormwood, pennyroyal, onion, camphor, horseradish, wintergreen, rue, bitter almond and sassafras are some of the essential oils that should only be used by qualified aromatherapy practitioners, if ever at all.
· Never let children use essential oils without the presence of an adult knowledgeable about their use. Most essential oils smell wonderful and many essential oils such as citrus oils can smell like they are safe to drink. Keep your essential oils away from children. Treat the oils like medicines that are poison in unknowing hands.
· Essential oils should not be taken internally. Essential oils should only be taken internally after receiving a detailed consultation and prescription from a trained and qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
· Essential oils are flammable. Keep them out of the way of fire hazards.
Guide to Diluting Essential Oils
Undiluted Use of Essential Oils On the Skin Can Be Harmful and Potentially Cause Severe Irritation or Sensitization.
I routinely discover aromatherapy authors and educators that pass along the rule of thumb that it is safe to use some essential oils on the skin, most particularly lavender and tea tree, without first diluting them in a carrier oil. Using essential oils on the skin without diluting them is referred to as applying them "neat."
Never Put Undiluted Essential Oils On Your Skin.
Not even lavender or tea tree.
There are instances when experienced aromatherapy practitioners make exceptions to this precaution. Only once significant essential oil knowledge is gained should you ever attempt to apply any undiluted essential oil on the skin.
I have been a part of the aromatherapy community for over 13 years. Occasionally, I hear from or hear about those that have used undiluted essential oils and have developed permanent sensitization, even by only using a single drop of lavender essential oil per use. It's really not worth the risk. Diluting your essential oils not only helps to protect your well-being, it can also save you money.
Recently, while reading Marge Clark's book Essential Oils and Aromatics, I read her personal experiences and her unfortunate long-term consequences for having used lavender essential oil neat:
"One of my mentors reminds me 'sensitization is forever.' And I know she is right. Years ago, I read the books saying that lavender oil could be used neat (undiluted). I very unwisely used undiluted lavender on broken skin, and consequently set up a sensitivity reaction. Today, almost two decades later, if I come in contact with lavender in any form, I will immediately start a new round of contact dermatitis that can take months to heal." [Marge Clark, Essential Oils and Aromatics (Sandy, UT: Silverleaf Press, 2008), 32.]
What is Sensitization?
The symptoms of sensitization can vary from individual to individual but think of it like a skin allergy that results in a severe and/or itchy rash. More severe cases of sensitization can potentially lead to respiratory issues or apparently even anaphylactic shock. Once you develop sensitization to an essential oil, you are likely to remain permanently sensitized to that essential oil, even if you begin to adequately dilute it. You may also develop a reaction to other essential oils as well and will also experience reactions to products that contain these oils.
Treat Essential Oils With Respect
Treat essential oils with the same care that you treat medicines. You don't need to be afraid or avoid essential oils and I'm certainly not trying to scare anyone out of enjoying all the benefits that aromatherapy offers. They can be an amazing blessing within a holistic lifestyle. Do remember, however, that when working with essential oils, less is more.
Dilute your essential oils prior to use on the skin and avoid the oils that are more likely to cause irritation and sensitization. When using an essential oil for the first time, do a skin patch test.
Vegetable and Carrier Oils
Vegetable and carrier oils have a plethora of fine uses which include acting as a carrier for therapeutic applications, as an excellent addition to your culinary creations, as a lathering agent for soap, and a binding medium for cosmetics. It is hard to imagine where we would be with our creations, if it were not for the goodness and substance that pure oil provides.
Cold Pressed - A method of mechanical extraction where heat is reduced and minimized throughout the batching of the raw material. This helps the oil maintain its original state, constituents, and depth. Temperatures are rigorously controlled to ensure that it does not exceed 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit. Although not a practical method of extraction for all vegetable oils on the market it is highly regarded as the extraction method of choice.
Expeller Pressed - A method of natural, mechanical extraction and processing of oils where a small amount of heat is produced simply through the frictional heat created by hydraulic presses. This is usually around 120-200 degrees Fahrenheit and makes the oil suitable and economical as a base for cosmetics because of its fairly undisturbed molecular state. It also makes a fine food grade oil.
Refined - A fully processed oil where it has been exposed to all methods of refinement including a flash fluctuation in temperature as high as 450 degrees and winterization as low as -30 degrees, deodorization, which removes the heavy and often unsettling odor in oil, and finally bleaching, where natural clays and other mediums are used to alter or remove an oils color, and scent. This makes for an economical oil in cosmetics and body care products, but it is not the healthiest as a food grade oil.
Partially Refined - A process where only some of the methods available are employed to produce a manufactured oil. Only one or two of the three available methods are used in a partially refined oil. These include, but are not limited to; deodorization, winterization and natural bleaching. These methods are used for oils which have been known historically to go rancid quickly, and they are also used to further stabilize an oil or remove its heavy odor and deep color.
Unrefined - A process of mechanical extraction and screen filtering where no additional refining process has taken place. This ensures the finest quality product and makes the oil the most exquisite for food and cosmetic preparation. The unrefined process helps oil retain a rich, strong flavor and color that is true to its natural state. Unrefined oils are always darker in color and richer in scent.
Of course, to have an herbal potion you have to have herbs! There are millions of herbs that can be and have been used for potion making. The art of potion making is thousands of years old, so you’re in great company! The following list is a good basis from which to begin:
Herb & Oil Correspondences:
Attributes: Attraction, Divination, Meditation, Protection, Psychic powers
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Al-Uzza, Astarte, Diana, Ishtar, Osiris, Ra
Attributes: Change, Growth, Hidden secrets, Power, Protection, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: A Scottish Witch’s favorite amulet for strength and protection, Jupiter, Cerridwen
Attributes: Banishing, Binding, Counter-magick, Exorcising, Healing, Hex breaking, Protection, Reverse spells, Sleep
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Jupiter
Attributes: Adventurism, Banishing & controlling Elementals, Bravery, Charisma, Charm, Face that which you’ve been avoiding, Creation magick, Divination, Elemental magick, Faery magick, Guidance, Fertility, Journeys, Leadership, Love, Prophecy, Protection, Resurrection, Sacred to Druids, Self-confidence, Spiritual growth, Supervision skills, Visions, Weather magick, Wind magick
Gender: M
Planet: Mars, Mercury
Element: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Deities: Astarte, Bran, Dionysus. Faeries
Attributes: Abundance, Communication, Compassion, Courage, Determination, Energy, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Deities: Aphrodite, Mars, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Fruitfulness, Luck, Money, Passing-over, Peace, Prosperity, Self-protection, Virginity, Wisdom
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Artemis, Attis, Dionysus, Hecate, Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Zeus
Aloe Vera
Attributes: Accident prevention, Affection, Evil repelling, Healing, Luck, Protection, Success
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Jupiter, Luna, Mars, Zeus
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Love, Luck, Prosperity, Protection, Spirituality, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Venus
Attributes: Bullet-proof protection, Burial rites, Calling spirits, Healing, Immortality, Invisibility, Mend a broken heart, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Artemis, Saturn
Attributes: Abundance, Dedications, Fertility, Fortune, Good fortune, Initiation rites, Luck, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Self-confidence, Stability, Success, Transform energy
Gender: F
Planet: Jupiter, Moon
Element: Earth
Deities: Freya
Attributes: Attract love, Immorality, Sexual attraction
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Greek & Roman pantheons
Attributes: Counter-magick, Divination, Energy, Exorcism, Healing, Inspiration, Peace, Protection, Purification, Visions
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Atlantis, Michael the Archangel, Venus
Attributes: Clairvoyance, Consecration, Divination, Dreams, Handfasting, Nightmare prevention, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic awareness, Purification, Repel negative energies, Romance, Sleep, Spirit calling, Youthfulness
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter, Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Apollo, Hermes, Jupiter, Legba, Mercury, Oshun, Ra, Thoth
Apple Blossom
Attributes: Choices, Contentment, Decisions, Divination, Earth magick, Fertility, Garden magick, Happiness, Healing, Immortality, Joy, Longevity, Love, Luck, Peace, Plenty, Security, Spirit food, Wisdom
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Diana, Dionysus, Faeries, Freya, Hera, Iduna, Olwen, Pomona, Venus, Zeus
Attributes: Love, Passion, Water magick
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Dionysus, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Astral travel, Besom making, Caves & wells magick, Communication, Counter-magick, Curiosity, Desires, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Health, Hopes, Horse magic, Intelligence, Justice, Luck, Love, Magick enhancing, Meditation, Mental balance, Mental clarity, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Protection, Sea rituals, Skills in arts & crafts, Stang making, Weather magic, Wisdom, Wishes, Writer’s wood
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Dionysus, Faeries, Gwydion, Mars, Neptune, Poseidon, Thor, Uranus, Woden
Attributes: Air magick, Anti-theft, Eloquence, Healing
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Dionysus, Mercury
Attributes: Calming, Faery magick, Feminine magick, Love, Soothing, Water magick
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries, Venus
Attributes: Beauty, Feminine magick, Happiness, Long life, Love, Lust, Water magick, Wealth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Dionysus, Horus, Isis, Venus
Attributes: Drawing to you want you want, First love, Happiness, Magnetizing
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Persephone, Pluto
Bachelor’s Button
Attributes: Blessings, Living single, Love
Gender: F.
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Chiron, Robin Goodfellow, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Hex breaking, Luck, Prosperity, Protection, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Hina
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Luck, Passion, Patience, Potency, Prosperity
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Kanaloa, Venus
Attributes: Evil & negativity repelling, Faery magick, Healing, Love, Protection, Toothache
Gender: M
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Deities: Bran, Demeter, Faeries, Isis, Osiris, Tammuz, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Clairvoyance, Commanding, Courage, Divination, Exorcism, Fertility, Flying, Fortune, Happiness, Harmony, Honesty, House blessing, Love, Luck, Mend quarrels, Money, Passing-over rituals, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic development, Purification, Relationship healing, Sympathy, Temper soothing, Wealth
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Aradia, Ares, Dionysus, Erzulie, Jupiter, Krishna, Loki, Mars, Obatala, Ogoun, St. Joseph, Seth, Vishnu
Attributes: Clairvoyance, Evil & negativity repelling, Glory, Healing, House blessing, Love, Medicine, Music, Prophetic dreams, Protection, Psychic powers, Purification, Strength, Sun magick, Visions, Wisdom
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter, Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Adonis, Apollo, Asclepias, Buddha, Ceres, Cernunnos, Delphi, Dionysus, Eros, Faunus, Fides
Attributes: Abundance, Attraction, Fertility, Friendships, Harmony, Love, Luck, Money, Peace, Prosperity
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Earth
Deities: Dionysus
Attributes: Abundance, Awakenings, Astral projection, Concentration, Fertility, Fortune, Luck, Peace, Prosperity, Purification
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury, Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Aphrodite, Ares, Freya, Hathor, Khephera, Mut, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Hex-breaking, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Success
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Fortuna, Hermes, Mercury
Attributes: Despair, Love, Nightmares, Protection, Purification, Reconciliations
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Deities: Jupiter
Attributes: Beginnings, Besom making, Blessing, Dedications, Exorcism, Health, Initiation rites, Love, Overcoming difficulties, Protection, Purification, Repels negative energies
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Diana, Dionysus, Faeries, Freya, Lady of the Woods, Thor, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Good luck, Fairy magick, Healing, Lughnasadh, Money, Prosperity, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Brigit, Lugh, Saturn
Black Eyed Susan
Attributes: Justice, Legal matters, Strengthen spells
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Blue Bonnet
Attributes: Dreams, Grace, Forgiveness, Love, Luck, Mercy, Passion, Trances, Unconditional love, Visions
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Comanche Tribe
Attributes: Cursing, Exorcism, Hexing, Protection, Repelling negativity
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Cleansing, Earth magick, Healing, Protection, Repel negative energy
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth, Water
Deities: Gaia, Oshun, Thor, Venus
Attributes: Harmony, Joy, Sun magick
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Ajax, Ares, Mars
Attributes: Fertility, Luck, Money spells, Moon magic, Prosperity
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries, Luna
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Gardener’s lucky herb, Healing, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Spell strengthening, Subjugation of others
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Chastity, Control, Divination, Dreams, Health, House blessing, Personal influence, Past-life memories, Persuasiveness, Psychic awareness, Purification, Sexual desire repression
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Artemis, Chandra, Vesta
Attributes: Anti-theft, Consecration rituals, Evil & negativity repelling, Fidelity, Health, House blessing, Love, Lust, Memory, Mental powers, Passion, Protection
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Vesta
Attributes: Courage, Fidelity, Love, Lust, Mental clarity, Protection, Sex magick
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Air
Deities: Urzulie, Mars, Venus
Attributes: Emotional healing, Healing, Luck, Masculine energy, Power, Protection, Strength, Vitality
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury, Sun
Element: Fire, Mercury
Deities: Jove, Jupiter, Venus
Attributes: Fertility, Impotence, Lust
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fir
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Cleansing, Divorce spells, Fire magick, Healing, Hexing, Love, Passion, Protection, Purification, Repels negative energy, Separation spells, Strength, Un-hexing
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Baby blessing, Courage, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Health, Love, Luck, Money, Power, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic power, Purification, Strength, Wealth, Wiccaning
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Amun Ra, Artemis, Baalat, Cernunnons, Dionysus, Ea, Indra, Isis, Jupiter, Odin, Osiris, Pan, Poseidon, Venus, Wotan
Attributes: Attraction, Calmness, Curse remover, Gambling, Hex breaking, Love, Luck, Meditation, Money, Patience, Purification, Sexuality, Sleep, Spell combatant, Wealth
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Cernunnos, Karnayna, Mercury, Oshun, Ra, St. Anne, Sun Gods
Attributes: Cheerful, Creativity, Divination, Female magick, Healing, Humor, Love, Obstacles
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Oya, Venus
Attributes: Favors, Frigidity, Frugality, Hexing, Invisibility, Promotes positive outlook, Removing obstacles
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Call passed loved ones, Depression, Enemy conversion, Euphoric, Love spells, Soothe uneasy spirits
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aztec pantheon
Attributes: Protection, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Aphrodisiac, Attraction, Cleansing, Creativity, Courage, Dreamwork, Energy, Fertility, Financial matters, Fortune, Healing, Knowledge, Love, Luck, Lust, Money, Passion, Power, Protection, Prosperity, Psychic powers, Purification, Raise spiritual vibrations, Sex magick, Solar magick, Speed, Spirituality, Strength, Success, Vision work
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Aesclepius, Aphrodite, Bast, Helios, Mercury, Oshun, Ra, Venus
Attributes: Beltane, Healing, Health, Hex removal, House blessings, Love, Litha, Money, Power, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Protection, Safe travel, Self-confidence, Sleep, Un-hexing, Wealth, Wisdom
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Jupiter, Mother Goddess, Voodoo pantheon
Attributes: Attract money, Aura cleansing, Business, Cleansing, Control, Creativity, Exorcism, Friends, Good fortune, Health, Mental clarity, Persuasiveness, Prosperity, Protection, Success, Unhexing
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Achievement, Action, Aphrodisiac, Aura cleansing, Banishing, Beauty, Clarity, Cleansing, Confidence building, Divination, Exorcism, Fertility, Fortune, Friendship, Gain what is sought, Growth, Kinship, Legal matters, Love, Luck, Lust, Meditation, Mental clarity, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Purification, Repels negative energy, Romance, Solar magick, Spirituality, Unlocks “the chains holding you back”, Wealth
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter, Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Egyptian pantheon, Malaysian pantheon, Osiris
Attributes: Abundance, Anti-hexing, Counter spells, Exorcism, Faery magick, Faithfulness, Fertility, Fidelity, Fortune, Hex breaking, Love, Luck, Memory, Money, Power, Prosperity, Protection, Success
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Artemis, Faeries, Osiris, Rowan
Attributes: Balance, Chastity, Intuition, Luck, Peace, Protection, Purification
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Banishing, Grounding, Healing, Lucid dreaming, Peace, Purification, Returning negative energy to its source
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Fishing magick, Good fortune, Healing, Luck, Rain magick, Protection, Weather magic
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Earth
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Chastity, Fertility, Fortune, Health, Healing, Luck, Lust inhibitor, Moon magick, Prosperity, Repels disruptiveness, Spirituality, Trust
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Luna
Attributes: Abundance, Anti-theft, Exorcism, Fertility, Fidelity, Fortune, Luck, Lust, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Repels negative energy, Trust
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Blessings, Calming, Comfort, Death, Divination, Eternity, Grief, Healing, Immortality, Invocations to the Gods, Longevity, Loss, Luck, Mourning, Passing-over rituals, Protection, Tranquility
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Deities: Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Cupid, Dis, Hebe, Hecate, Hekat, Jove, Jupiter, Mithras, Pluto, Zoroaster
Attributes: Fertility, Love, Luck
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Mars
Attributes: Baby blessing, Faery magic, Luck, Lust, Wiccaning
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Baldur, Faeries, Freya, Jupiter, Thor, Venus, Zeus
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Astral travel, Chakra opening, Divination, Love, Lust, Meditation, Psychic powers, Sex magick, Spirit contact, Tantric magick, Visions
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Artemis, Diana, Ganesha, Oshun. Pan, Vishnu, Zeus
Attributes: Divination, Healing, Messages, Purification, Repel negative energy, Spirit calling, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter, Mars
Element: Air
Deities: Belenus, Brigid, Hecate, Helios, Yemaya
Attributes: Abundance, Banishing, Binding, Children’s protection, Crossing, Fertility, Fortune, Love, Luck, Lust, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Purification, Sex magic
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Deities: Brigit, Mercury
Attributes: Communication, Health, Lammas, Protection, Secret writings kept hidden, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Consus, Mars
Dragon’s Blood
Attributes: Aggression, Banishing, Courage, Defensive magick, Dragon magick, Empowerment, Energy, Exorcism, Fertility, Fire Elemental invocation, Empowerment, Fire magick, Hex breaking, Love, Lust, Physical strength, Political magick, Potency, Power, Power amplifier, Protection, Purification, Rapid results, Sex magick, Strength, Warding evil
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Mars
Attributes: Healing, Money, Strengthening spells
Gender: M
Planet: Fire
Element: Jupiter
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Banishment, Beginnings, Business blessing, Cleansing, Creativity, Crone magick, Dedications, Dreamwork, Exorcism, Healing, House blessing, Initiation rites, Knowledge seeking, Love, Nature magick, Offerings, Passing over rituals, Prosperity, Protection, Repels negative energy, Renewal, Sexuality, Sleep, Spell releasing, Wisdom
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries, Holda, Morrigan, Venus, White Goddess
Attributes: Elvin magic, Love, Slander stopping
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Elves, Hoenin, Odin
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Luck, Prosperity, Protection, Repel negative energies, Water Elemental invocation
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Air, Water
Deities: Ogun
Evening Primrose
Attributes: Faery magick, Hunting, Love, Shapeshifting
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Clear vision, Flattery, Healing, Power, Protection, Purification, Sex magick, Strength, Vitality
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Deities: Adonis, Dionysus, Prometheus
Attributes: Air magick, Concentration, Eternal youth, Exorcism, Health, Luck, Mental clarity, Protection, Rain magick, Repel negative energy, Riches, Sincerity, Weather magick
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Faeries, Laka, Mars, Pan, Puck, Saturn, Venus
Attributes: Birth, Hope, Immortality, Insight, Knowledge, Life, Past-life recall, Re-birth, Rejuvenation, Spirituality, Stang making, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Artemis, Diana, Druantia
Attributes: Baby blessing, Beauty, Faery magick, Fire magick, Healing, Money, Protection, Psychic powers, Wealth, Wiccaning
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries, Holda, Mars
Attributes: Courage, Gateway to Otherworlds, Goals, Growth - emotional, physical, spiritual, Healing, Movement, Overwhelming force, Solar plexus Chakra balancing, Strength, Vigor
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries, Nature spirits
Attributes: Fairy magick, Garden blessings, Home protection, Immortality, Underworld communication, Visions
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries, Pluto, Venus
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Banishing negativity, Beltane, Consecration rituals, Exorcism, Lammas, Luck, Love, Meditation, Protection, Purification, Spirituality, Yule
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Adonis, Apollo, Baal, Ra
Attributes: Comfort, Friendship, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Love, Peace, Spirituality
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Venus
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Anti-theft, Banishing, Exorcism, Healing, Lust, Protection, Purification, Repels negative energy
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Hecate, Mars, Ogun
Attributes: Fertility, Friendships, Health, Hex breaking, Love, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Courage, Fertility, Fortune, Love, Luck, Money, Power, Prosperity, Sex magick, Sexuality, Strength, Success
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Aries, Luna, Mars
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Beauty, Business, Dreams, Fertility, Healing, Love, Spirit calling
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Beauty, Healing, Health, Love, Lust, Protection, Purification, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Mars, Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Uranus
Attributes: Divination, Encouragement, Find lost/hidden objects, Luck, Money, Prosperity
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Deities: Venus
Golden Seal
Attributes: Business, Finances, Healing, Money, Power, Success
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Helios, Venus
Attributes: Fertility, Growth, Money, Prosperity, Protection
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Anath, Adonis, Anu, Bran, Branwen, Brigit, Ceres, Cernunnos, Demeter, Don, Ishtar, Ninkasi, Osiris, Tammuz
Attributes: Abundance, Binding, Charity, Fertility, Fortune, Garden magick, Inspiration, Luck, Mental powers, Money, Popularity, Prosperity
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Bacchus, Dionysus, Hathor, Osiris
Attributes: Adaptability, Agriculture, Blessings, Creativity, Forest magick, Gardening magick, Hunting ritual
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Jupiter
Attributes: Anti-lightning, Attract Faeries, Banish negative spirits, Celibacy, Charm making, Chastity, Cleansing, Clear away old habits, Concealing magick, Creativity, Faery magick, Fertility, Fishing magick, Ghost repelling, Happiness, Health, Inner journeys, Insight, Intuition, Love, Masculine sexuality, Marriage, Patience, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic protection, Purification, Purity, Self-confidence, Sexuality, Wands, Weather magick, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Aquarius, Cardea, Faeries, Flora, Ogun, Olwen, Hymen, Vashaan
Attributes: Anti-lightning, Artistic creativity, Change, Divination, Dreams, Eloquence, Faery magick, Fertility, Fire protection, Heart’s desire, Inspiration, Intelligence, Love, Luck, Magical knowledge, Manifestation, Navigation, Optimism, Poetry, Protection, Psychic abilities, Wisdom, Wrath
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Artemis, Danu, Diana, Diancecht, Elves, Faeries, Manannan Mac Lir, Mercury, Thor
Heal All
Attributes: Clarity, Gambling, Healing, Luck, Money, Strength, Success
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Air magick, Faery magick,
Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Immortality, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Rain magick, Revival, Soothing, Weather magick
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Adonis, Faeries, Isis, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Eternal love, Exorcism, Fertility, Fortune, Gaining power, Happiness, Healing, Invisibility, Luck, Money, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Sun magick, Wealth
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Apollo, Cernunnos
Attributes: Astral projection, Astral travel, Envy, Hexing, Jealousy, Paralyze situation, Purification, Purification of magical tools, Remove sexual desire, Sleep
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hecate
Attributes: Cursing, Ease death, Flying ointment, Funerary magick, Hexing, Love bringing, Necromancy, Passing-over rituals, Rain magick, Spirit summoning, Visionary magick, Weather magick
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hecate
Attributes: Concentration, Divination, Dreams, Love, Lust, Wisdom
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Kali, Shango, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Acquisitions, Direction, Leadership skills, Legal matters, Love, Lust, Protection, Wholeness
Gender: M
Planet: Fire
Element: Jupiter
Deities: Apollo, Lugh
Attributes: Adoration, Anti-Lightning, Beauty, Consecration, Dream Magic, Hope, Immortality, Logic, Love, Luck, Magick enhancing, Material gain, Passing-over rituals, Physical revenge, Power transfer, Protection, Purity, Rebirth , Sacred, Stang making, Strength, Yule
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Govannon, Holly King, Odin, Unicorn
Attributes: Attraction, Seduction, Sun magick
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Ah Muzencab, Aphrodite, Callisto, Cybele, Grandmother Twyla, Melissa, Mellonia, Neith, Ra, Usins, Venus
Honey Locust
Attributes: Beauty, Binding, Faery magick, Physical attractiveness, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Abundance, Creativity, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Honesty, Love, Luck, Memory, Money, Power, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic powers, Safety, Success, Truth
Gender: M
Planet: Moon
Element: Earth
Deities: Luna, Selene
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Happiness, Homosexuality, Love, Luck, Nightmares, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Sleep
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Apollo, Hyacinthus
Attributes: Banishing, Faery magick, Hex breaking, Protection, Purification, Sacrifice
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries, Obatala
Attributes: Amulets, Animal magick, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Attraction, Baby blessing, Beauty, Courage, Faith, Purification, Reincarnation, Sexuality, Wiccaning, Wisdom
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite, Hera, Iris, Isis, Juno
Irish Moss
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Invites positive spirits, Luck, Male sex magick, Money, Protection, Safe travel
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite
Attributes: Constancy, Continuity, Enlightenment, Fertility, Fidelity, Friendships, Healing, Joy, Life spiral, Love, Luck, Nourishment, Protection, Resurrection, Strength, Wrath
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Ariadne, Arianrhod, Bacchus, Cerridwen, Dionysus, Hymen, Isis, Osiris, Persephone, Saturn, White Goddess
Attributes: Beauty, Beltane, Fertility, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Venu
Attributes: Abundance, Anger reducer, Aphrodisiac, Auric health, Calming, Compassion, Confidence, Depression, Divination, Dreamwork, Elegance, Family, Fertility, Fortune, Gardening, Grace, Healing, Health, Love, Lucid dreaming, Luck, Lunar magick, Meditation, Money, Ostara herb, Peace, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Protection, Rejuvenation, Sexuality, Sleep, Spirituality, Spiritual love, Visions, Wealth
Gender: F
Planet: Moon, Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Diana, Venus, Vishnu
Jimson Weed
Attributes: Hex breaking, Protection, Sleep
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Joe-Pye Weed
Attributes: Divination, Employment, Handfasting, Happiness, Harmony, Love, Peace, Respect
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Blodeuwedd
Attributes: Anti-theft, Exorcism, Health, Love, Protection, Psychic powers increased, Purification
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Astarte, Ishtar
Kava Kava
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Astral travel, Employment promotion, Luck, Protection, Travel, Visions
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Kanaloa, Kane, Lono
Attributes: Healing, Protection, Strength, Travel, Water magick
Gender: F
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Water
Deities: Neptune, Poseidon
Attributes: Binding, Cursing, Health, Hexing, Longevity
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Deities: N/A
Lady’s Mantle
Attributes: Comforting, Healing, Love
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Chastity, Clairvoyance, Devotion, Dreams, Faery magick, Handfasting, Happiness, Healing, Longevity, Love, Meditation, Money, Peace, Protection, Purification, Sexuality, Sleep, Virtue, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate, Saturn
Attributes: Cleansing, Friendship, Longevity, Love, Moon magic, Purification, Repel negative energy, Solar magick, Spiritual opening
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Diana, Juno, Luna, Neptune, Poseidon, Sun Gods
Attributes: Abundance, Calming, Fertility, Fortune, Luck, Lust, Prosperity, Purification, Psychic powers, Repel snakes, Soothing
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Hermes, Mercury
Attributes: Chastity, Divination, Love, Male sex magick, Moon magick, Protection, Sleep
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Adonis, Juno, Luna
Attributes: Banishing, Death, Divination, Exorcism, Faery magick, Ghost banishing, Harmony, Luck, Memory, Passing over rituals, Peace, Protection, Psychic powers, Spiritual aid, Wisdom
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries
Breaking love spells, Fertility, Happiness, Marriage, Protection, Renewal
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Juno, Kwan Yin, Nepthys, Venus
Lily of the Valley
Attributes: Calming, Happiness, Harmony, Love, Marriage longevity, Mental powers, Peace, Psychic powers, Repels negative energy
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aesculapias, Apollo, Maia
Attributes: Calming, Faithfulness, Healing, Love, Loyalty, Protection, Purification, Tranquility
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Mars
Attributes: Fertility, Healing, Lock opening, Love, Luck, Meditation, Mental clarity, Passing-over rituals, Protection, Spirituality, Wishes
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Egyptian pantheon, Hermes, Horus, Indian pantheon, Isis, Nefertum, Oshun, Osiris
Attributes: Dreamwork, Fidelity, Love, Nature spells, Ostara, Peace
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities Venus
Attributes: Beauty, Love
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Freya, Venus
Attributes: Binding, Fertility, Health, Love, Magick, Money, Power, Protection, Psychic powers, Sexuality
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury, Saturn
Element: Fire
Deities: Aphrodite, Circe, Diana, Hathor, Hecate, Saturn
Marshmallow Root
Attributes: Exorcism, Love, Protection, Psychic powers
Gender: F
Element: Earth
Deities: Althea
Attributes: Divination, Employment, Handfasting, Happiness, Harmony, Love, Peace, Respect
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Blodeuwedd
Attributes: Endings, Exorcism, Longevity, Love, Prophetic dreams, Protection, Purification, Visions
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Saturn
Attributes: Abundance, Creativity, Exorcism, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Love, Luck, Lust, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Travel
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Juno, Hecate, Minitha, Pluto
Attributes: Abundance, Business, Creativity, Exorcism, Faery magick, Fertility, Fortune, Handfasting, Healing, Health, Hunting, Love, Luck, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Purity, Repels negative energy, Sexuality, Strength, Success
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Apollo, Cernunnos, Faeries, Freya, Frigga, Herne, Oak King, Odin, Venus
Morning Glory
Attributes: Affection, Banishing, Beauty, Binding, Happiness, Love, Peace, Protection, Travel
Gender: M
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Astral travel, Clairvoyance, Divination, Fertility, Healing, Lust, Prophetic dreams, Protection, Psychic powers, Scrying, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Venus, Moon
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshmi, St. John
Attributes: Baby blessing, Protection, Strength, Wiccaning
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Diana, Mercury, Minerva, San Ku Fu Jen
Attributes: Courage, Divination, Exorcism, Health, Love, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Deities: Jupiter, Saturn
Attributes: Attraction, Courage, Desirability, Fertility, Lust
Gender: F, M
Planet: Saturn, Sun
Element: Fire, Water
Deities: Athena, Shiva, Thoth
Attributes: Acceptance, Courage, Endurance, Faith, Fertility, Luck, Mental powers, Protection, Psychic powers , Purification, Voodoo charms
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Aesclepias
Attributes: Blessing, Consecration, Exorcism, Healing, Health, Meditation, Power, Protection, Purification, Spirituality, Transformation
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Adonis, Cybele, Demeter, Freya, Hecate, Hera, Isis, Juno, Marian, Nepthys, Oshun, Ra, Rhea, Saturn
Attributes: Abundance, Consecration, Fertility, Fortune, Love, Luck, Money, Peace, Prosperity, Sleep, Youth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Cybele, Demeter, Freya, Hathor, Marian, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Beauty, Fertility, Fortune, Harmony, Love, Luck, Prosperity, Sleep, Tranquility, Vanity
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Ceres, Narcissus, Persephone
Attributes: Ostara rituals, Patriotism, Pride
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Brigid, Incan Sun God
Attributes: Death rites, Dedications, Initiation rites, Purification
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Neemari, Devi
Beauty, Courage, Happiness, Joy, Love, Relaxing
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Consecration, Exorcism, Fishing magick, Funerary rituals, Healing, Lust, Protection, Repel negative energy
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Apolo, Chango, Helios, Oya, Ra, Shango, Thor
Attributes: Abundance, Clairvoyance, Divination, Feminine magick, Fertility, Fidelity, Fortune, Health, Hex-breaking, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Psychic abilities, Scrying, Visions, Wealth, Winter festivals
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Balance, Faery magick, Fertility, Focus, Healing, Health, Love, Luck, Marriage, Money, Potency, Power, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Protection, Stang making, Strength, Success, Truth, Wands
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Blodeuwedd, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Cybele, Dagda, Dianus, Erato, Faeries, Hecate, Helios, Heme, Janus, Jupiter, Oak King, Odin, Pan, Rhea, Thor, Vesta, Zeus
Oak Moss
Attributes: Luck, Money, Protection, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Cernunnos, Herne, Woodland Gods
Attributes: Money
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Brigid
Attributes: Fertility, Fidelity, Healing, Lust, Marriage, Money, Peace, Potency, Prosperity, Protection, Sex magick
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Irene, Minerva, Poseidon, Ra, Zeus
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Exorcism, Healing, Lust, Money, Moon magick, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Protection, Stability, Repel negative energy
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Hecate, Isis
Attributes: Abundance, Beauty, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Happiness, Harmony, Joy, Love, Luck, Money, Peace, Prosperity, Warmth
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Cernunnos
Attributes: Concentration, Focus, Love, Memory
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Bacchus, Venus
Attributes: Energy, Joy, Love, Protection, Strength, Substance, Vitality
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Attraction, Divination, Harmonious relationships, Home protection, Love, Psychic power
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite, Erzulie, Hera, Iris, Osiris, Venus
Attributes: Divination, Durability, Fertility, Focus, Renewal, Resurrection, Self-renewal
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air, Fire
Deities: Isis
Attributes: Air magick, Divination, Dreams, Love, Plans, Rain magick, Romantic divination, Weather magick
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Comforts, Friendships, Health, Love, Protection, Un-hexing
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Fertility, Festivity, Home protection, Love, Luck, Lust. Prosperity, Protection, Purification, Strength, Vitality, Well-being
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aphrodite, Persephone, Venus, Zeus
Passion Flower
Attributes: Calming, Friendship, Peace, Prosperity, Sexual vitality, Sleep, Tranquility
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Hestia, Hypnos, Yemaya
Attributes: Abundance, Banishing, Earth magick, Earth Elemental powers, Exorcism, Fertility, Fortune, Grounding, Growth, Hex breaking, Legal matters, Love, Luck, Lust, Meditation, Money, Prosperity, Regeneration, Repels negativity, Sex magick, Spirituality, Weather magick
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn, Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Gaia, Pan, Saturn
Attributes: Exorcism, Fertility, Longevity, Love, Wisdom, Wishes
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Venus
Attributes: Hex-breaking, Passing-over, Peace, Protection, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Demeter
Attributes: Business success, Exorcism, Fairy magick, Good fortune, Luck, Protection, Un-hexing
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Banishing, Cleansing, Courage, Exorcism, Fidelity, Hex breaking, Initiation, Lust, Protection, Purifying, Warding charms
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Mars
Attributes: Abundance, Divination, Energy, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Love, Luck, Lust, Mental stimulant, Prophetic dreams, Prosperity, Psychic powers, Purification, Sleep, Visions
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Pluto, Zeus
Attributes: Love, Lust, Mental powers, Money, Passing over rituals, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries, Venus
Attributes: Beauty, Feminine magick, Happiness, Long life, Love, Lust, Water magick, Wealth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Dionysus, Horus, Isis, Venus
Money matters
Attributes: Abundance, Anti-hunger, Birth, Exorcism, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Health, Humility, Immortality, Life, Luck, Money, Power, Prosperity, Protection, RE-birth, Rejuvenation, Stang making, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mars, Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Attis, Cybele, Dionysus, Jove, Pan, Poseidon, Sylvanus, Venus, Zeus
Attributes: Chastity, Faithfulness, Lover return, Luck, Money
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Kaonohiokala
Attributes: Unbinding, Breaking love spells
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Mars
Attributes: Healing, Protection, Repel negative energy, Snake repelling, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Attraction, Love, Persuasiveness, Success
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Buddha
Attributes: Abundance, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Luck, Prosperity, Wealth, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
Deities: Ceres, Demeter, Dionysus, Hera, Juno, Persephone, Pluto, Saturn, Tammuz, Thor, Venus
Attributes: Communication, Determination, Flying, Money, Resistance, Shielding, Success, Wind magick
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hercules
Attributes: Earth magick, Healing, Image magick, Luck, Money
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Earth
Deities: Gaia, Luna
Attributes: Love, Protection, Truth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Freya
Attributes: Friendship, Happiness, Love, Passion, Peace, Romantic dreams
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Queen of the Meadow
Attributes: Divination, Happiness, Love, Peace, Power, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Fidelity, Handfasting, Happiness, Love, Luck, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Deities: Aphrodite, Juno, Venus
Attributes: Lust, Protection, Sex magick
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Courage, Faery magick, PRotection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Love, Protection, Safe pregnancy
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Innana, Isis, Oshun
Attributes: Fertility, Money, Protection, Rain magick, Security, Weather magick
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Beauty, Clairvoyance, Divination, Dreams, Fertility, Fortune, Friendships, Handfasting, Healing, Love, Luck, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic powers, Visions
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Adonis, Aphrodite, Aurora, Cupid, Demeter, Eros, Freya, Hathor, Holda, Hypocrites, Isis
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Baby blessing, Cleansing, Elf magick, Exorcism, Faery magick, Friendships, Healing, Hex breaking, Longevity, Love, Lust, Memories, Mental powers, Protection, Psychic powers, Purification, Sleep, Strega magick, Wiccaning, Youth
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Elves, Faeries, Sea Spirits, Virgin Mary
Attributes: Astral travel, Healing, House blessing, Magick enhancing, Power, Protection, Psychic powers, Stang making, Success, Visions
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid, Druidic deities, Rowan, Thor
Attributes: Banishing, Binding, Curse breaking, Exorcism, Grace, Healing, Health, Hex-breaking, Hex protection, Love, Mental powers, Protection, Reversing magick, Vision
Gender: M
Planet: Mars, Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Aradia, Diana, Hecate, Mars, Pan
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Happiness, Healing, Hexes, Love, Lust, Protection, Psychic powers, Strength, Weather magick, Wind raising
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Ashtoreth, Eros
Attributes: Animal guides, Aphrodisiac, Cleansing, Fertility, Healing, Hex breaking, House blessing, Immortality, Longevity, Prosperity, Protection, Purification, Wisdom, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Chiron, Consus, Jupiter, Obatala, Zeus
St. John’s Wort
Attributes: Binding, Divination, Happiness, Health, Hex breaking, Love, Power, Protection, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Baldur
Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Consecration, Exorcism, Healing, Health, Protection, Purification, Spirituality, Wishes
Gender: F
Planet: Moon, Sun
Element: Water
Deities: Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Health, Legal matters, Luck, Money, Prosperity
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Dedications, Fidelity, Handfastings, Initiation rites, Love, Oaths, Peace, Relaxation, Vows
Gender: F, M
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hera, Obatal
Attributes: Court proceedings, Love, Luck, Lust, Money, Prevent unnatural illness, Protection, Snake repelling
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Exorcism, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Healing, Love, Mental abilities, Money, Psychic powers, Wishes
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Mercury
Attributes: Attraction, Faithfulness, Health, Longevity, Love, Luck
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Star Anise
Attributes: Luck, Psychic powers
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Attraction, Beauty, Divination, Fortune, Love, Luck, Success
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth, Water
Deities: Freya
Attributes: Energy, Fertility, Health, Power, Protection, Wisdom, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Apollo, Cernunnos, Demeter
Attributes: Calling spirits, Peace
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Earth magick, Fertility, Life changes, Prosperity, Protection, Sun magick
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Air. Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Chastity, Courage, Friendship, Love, Loyalty, Pleasure, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Power, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Hathor, Nuit
Attributes: Exorcism, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Anu, Bacchus, Osiris
Attributes: Mental powers, Power, Psychic powers, Repels negative energy, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Beauty, Compassion, Death, Fidelity, Friendship, Happiness, Health, Hexing, Immortality, Invisibility, Joy, Love, Longevity, Luck, Meditation, Ostara rituals, Passing over rituals, Pleasure, Protection, Re-birth, Renewal, Reconciliation, Travel, Youth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Mary
Attributes: Chalice consecration, Compassion magick, Goals, Healing, Lasting interest
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Lilith
Tea Tree
Attributes: Harmony, Healing, Peace
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Deities: Jupiter
Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Hex breaking, Protection, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Minerva, Thor
Attributes: Affection, Courage, Divination, Dreams, Faery magick, Health, Healing, Health, Love, Loyalty, Protection, Psychic powers, Purification, Sleep, Smudging rooms, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Healing, Protection
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Deities: Kane, Lono, Pele
Attributes: Faery magick, Rain magick, Weather magick
Gender: M
Planet: Earth
Element: Water
Deities: Dionysus, Faeries
Attributes: Astral, Banishing, Confidence, Divination, Dreams, Healing, Legal matters, Peace, Prophecy, Purification, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Native American pantheons
Tonka Bean
Courage, Longevity, Love, Luck, Money, Prosperity, Wishes
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Love, Protection
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Thor
Attributes: Abundance, Fertility, Fortune, Love, Luck, Prosperity, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: N/A
Unicorn Root
Attributes: Faery magick, Hex breaking, Protection, Uncrossing spells
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Deities: Faeries, Unicorns
Uva Ursi
Attributes: Astral, Divination, Dreams, Prophecy, Psychic workings
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Dream magick, Harmony, Love, Protection, Purification, Quarrel mending, Sleep
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Obatala
Attributes: Beauty, Breaking habits, Chastity, Clarity, Communication, Compassion, Courage, Divination, Dreams, Eloquence, Energy, Fertility enhancement, Fidelity, Friendship, Happiness, Intelligence, Joy, Longevity, Love, Luck, Lust, Magical powers, Meditation, Mental powers, Peace, Pleasure, Power, Prophecy, Protection, Psychic powers, Purification, Reconciliation, Rejuvenation, Self-improvement, Sex magick, Sleep, Travel, Wisdom, Youth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Deities: Hecate, Saturn, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Astral, Binding, Blessings to children, Calming, Chastity, Creativity, Divination, Faery magick, Fertility, Fortune, Healing, Love, Luck, Money, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Stimulates action, Tranquil dreams, Wand making, Youth
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Aphrodite, Aradia, Artemis, Bast, Cerridwen, Diana, Faeries, Hecate, Hermes, Innana, Isis, Juno, Jupiter, Kali, Mars, Thor, Venus, Zeus
Attributes: Abundance, Anti-theft, Attraction, Business, Exorcism, Fertility, Fortune, Hex breaking, Love, Luck, Money, Peace, Prosperity, Protection, Repels negative energy, Voodoo magick
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Aphrodite, Pan, Venus
Attributes: Abundance, Animal Guide work, Balance, Beauty, Compassion, Devotion, Faery magick, Faithfulness, Fertility, Fidelity, Fortune, Friendship, Happiness, Healing, Hex breaking, Inspiration, Joy, Longevity, Love, Loyalty, Luck, Lust, Meditation, Passion, Peace, Pleasure, Prosperity, Protection, Reconciliation, Repel negativity, Transformation, Wishes, Youth
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite, Attis, Cupid, Cybele, Demeter, Faeries, Io, Jupiter, Mary, Mithras, Venus, Zeus
Attributes: Blessings of the Gods, Divination, Dreams, “Food of the Gods“, Health, Infertility, Mental powers, Wishes
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Jupiter
Attributes: Aphordisiac, Strength
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Abundance, Conception, Fertility, Fortune, Luck, Money, Prosperity
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Deities: Cailleach, Ceres, Demeter, Ishtar, Isis, Tammuz, Zeus
White Willow Bark
Attributes: Blessings, Divination, Healing, Love, Moon magick, Protection, Spirit communication
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Artemis, Belili, Belinus, Ceres, Hecate, Hera, Mercury, Persephone
Attributes: Astral work, Besom making, Death, Divination, Empathy, Enchantments, Fertility, Healing, Inspiration, Love, Moon magick, Passing over rituals, Protection, Psychic energies, Spirits, Water giver, Wishes
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Artemis, Belili, Belenus, Ceres, Diana, Hecate, Hera, Mercury, Moon Goddess, Persephone
Attributes: Healing, Health, Hex-breaking, Protection, Purification
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Divination, Obstacles overcome, Prosperity, Psychic powers opened, Vibrations raised
Gender: M
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Witch Hazel
Attributes: Chastity, Cool passions, Protection
Gender: M
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Witches
Attributes: Invisibility, Protection
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hecate
Wood Betony
Attributes: Dream magick, Elemental magick, Nightmares, Protection, Purification, Repels negative energy, Weather magick
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Animals, Calling spirits, Clairvoyance, Divination, Love, Protection, Psychic powers, Transformation
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Innana, Iris, Isis, Lakshmi, Sif
Attributes: Attracts friends, Banishing, Contact w/ others, Courage, Divination, Dream work, Exorcism, Faery magick, Fear repelling, Handfasting, Happy marriage, Healing, Longevity, Love, Prophecy, Protection, Psychic powers, Purification, Repel negative energy
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn, Venus
Element: Water, Earth
Deities: Achilles, Aphrodite, Devil, Faeries, Oshun, Yemaya
Attributes: Business, Fertility to conceive, Healing, Luck, Money, Prosperity
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Death, Hex-breaking, Immortality, Passing over rituals, Past-life regression, Psychic awareness, Raising the dead, Re-birth, Spirits, Stang making
Gender: F
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hecate, Odin
Ylang Ylang
Attributes: Abundance, Aphrodisiac, Depression, Faery magick, Fertility, Fortune, Insight, Love, Luck, Lust, Opportunity, Peace, Prosperity, Sex, Visions
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries
Attributes: Divination, Dreams, Prophecy, Protection, Purification, Transmutation
Gender: M
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: N/A
Attributes: Absent friends, Affection, Child-like innocence, Faery magick, Friendship, Joy, Love, Lust, Strength
Gender: F
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Faeries